Congratulations to Lora Webb, the business woman who won a brand new iPad by completing our original Game Change Survey. Lora was one of the respondents looking to change their game by launching a new business, so look out for Box of Plenty, particularly if you need a unique gift for a special occasion.
Helping our clients to change their business game is the primary focus of our marketing services and, as our name implies, identifying Prime Prospects for our clients is at the core of our activities. So, it is fortunate that getting a list of potential customers represents the most sought after service amongst our respondents, closely followed by the search for funding. Sadly this latter need is not a service that we can provide, so we are looking for one or more partners that we might be able to recommend to our clients.
The survey formed part of our engagement activities associated with the 2017 Business Show, held at Excel in May where Tony Dent, our Chairman, gave a talk on the subject of Digital Marketing – “Is your digital profile better from the left or the right?”
Although response to the survey was small in terms of numbers (just 16 people) it nevertheless served to emphasise the value of market research in understanding more about our customers and their needs. The largest number of respondents were, like Lora, from start-up companies with the remainder either expecting to launch a new product or seeking new markets for existing products (two looking for export markets). Because most respondents were contacted via the business show, the majority of our respondents were looking for B2B marketing services, with the remainder seeking assistance with consumer marketing activities.
In addition to wanting lists of potential customers and help with funding, there is important demand for Website Development, Market Research, Book Keeping and help with Social Media and these are all services that we are pleased to offer. Of somewhat lesser interest was the search for office space and associated services such as meeting rooms and reception facilities.
With regard to the budgets respondents say they have available for marketing services, the need for funding was emphasised by the average budget of just £1,000, with the majority willing to spend £500 at most!
The survey was conducted under the Market Research society guidelines, ensuring confidentiality of the information given and that no respondent is contacted further by Prime Prospects unless they have specifically opted in for such contact.
So, what have we learned? Mainly that there is definitely a need for a flexible ‘starter’ package to help people get a new business activity under way. Accordingly we propose to develop such a package and ensure that it provides a quick, cost effective solution to early market and sales success.
We have also learned that there is value in listening to you – our clients and potential clients so look out for Game Changer 2 – our follow up survey coming your way very soon.
This time we’ll focus on customer lists and issues related to the new data privacy rules coming into law next May. Are you ready for that? If you’d like some help with your data files, launching your new product or targeting a new sector, please get in touch.