We are increasingly becoming a mobile-first society, with the latest figures from Ofcom estimating smartphone usage at 71% of UK adults and mobile usage a staggering 93%.
Consumers rank it alongside email as their preferred route for contact from brands too. The growth in smartphone usage and technological advancements have transformed the ways in which brands can use SMS to engage customers.
A simple text message offers a wealth of opportunity, from sending:
- marketing messages
- voucher codes
- helpful service updates
- appointment reminders
- delivery updates
The new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into force in May 2018 and new rules will significantly change the way businesses can use data for marketing purposes.
According to the recent ‘GDPR and you’ report, 96% of marketers are aware of the new laws and just over half of businesses (54%) believe that they’ll be compliant in time for May 2018. If you’re using SMS mrketing properly, you need to use the correct opt-in.
Brands that understand and adhere to the rules, can create a long-term relationship with customers based on trust and transparency. Read the latest findings about SMS text marketing here: State_of_SMS_white_paper_summary
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